Nicolas Chapados is Vice-President, Research at ServiceNow Inc. He holds an engineering degree from McGill University and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Montreal, Canada. While still writing his thesis and jointly with his advisor Yoshua Bengio, he co-founded ApSTAT Technologies in 2001, a machine learning technology transfer firm, to apply cutting-edge academic research ideas to areas such as insurance risk evaluation, supply chain planning, business forecasting, national defence, and hedge fund management. From this work, he also co-founded spin-off companies: Imagia, to detect and quantify cancer early with AI analysis of medical images, Element AI (acquired by ServiceNow in January 2021), and Chapados Couture Capital, a quantitative asset manager. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
Chartered Financial Analyst, 2010
CFA Institute
PhD in Machine Learning, 2009
University of Montréal
MSc in Machine Learning, 2000
University of Montréal
BEng in Computer Engineering, 1995
McGill University